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Tomatometer - 7,9 of 10 Runtime - 1 hours 23 M Directors - Federico Fellini genres - Drama Creators - Michelangelo Antonioni audience score - 4612 votes. All torrents Anime Applications Games Movies Music TV shows Other Documentaries XXX. Da Lunedì 13 Gennaio a Lunedì 13 Gennaio ore 21:00 Singola Proiezione: 5€ Abbonamento: 25€ Trama e cast Media Recensioni Rassegna Due sposini in viaggio di nozze dalla provincia alla capitale romana. L'apparizione sull'altalena del bianco sceicco Alberto Sordi, divo divino solo sulla carta dei fotoromanzi. E dunque le illusioni del mondo dello spettacolo. Le benevoli prostitute della capitale, tra cui la Cabiria di Giulietta Masina. C'è già tutto il mondo felliniano in questo primo film firmato unicamente dal regista riminese ( Luci del varietà è codiretto con Lattuada). "Per la sceneggiatura mi rifeci ai racconti che avevo scritto per il ‘Marc'Aurelio' in cui si riflettevano i miei pensieri sulla natura spietata delle storie d'amore, sull'amore giovanile che si confronta con la realtà dolceamara, sulla luna di miele che si irrancidisce, sulle delusioni dei primi tempi del matrimonio e sull'impossibilità di riuscire a conservare i romantici sogni iniziali" (Federico Fellini). Regista: Federico Fellini Cast: Alberto Sordi (Fernando Rivoli), Brunella Bovo (Wanda), Leopoldo Trieste (Ivan), Giulietta Masina (Cabiria), Ernesto Almirante (il regista di fumetti) Note: Restauro realizzato da Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, nell’ambito del progetto Fellini 100, in collaborazione con RTI-Mediaset e Infinity presso il laboratorio L’Immagine Ritrovata Found 56 reviews in total Filter by: Popularity Descending Popularity Ascending Rating Descending Rating Ascending Release date Descending Release date Ascending Best Marvel movie in my opinion 17 December 2016 by hawaiipierson This is by far one of my favorite movies from the MCU. The introduction of new Characters both good and bad also makes the movie more exciting. giving the characters more of a back story can also help audiences relate more to different characters better, and it connects a bond between the audience and actors or characters. Having seen the movie three times does not bother me here as it is as thrilling and exciting every time I am watching it. In other words, the movie is by far better than previous movies (and I do love everything Marvel), the plotting is splendid (they really do out do themselves in each film, there are no problems watching it more than once. Just about as good as the first one! 17 December 2016 by hawaiipierson Avengers Age of Ultron is an excellent sequel and a worthy MCU title! There are a lot of good and one thing that feels off in my opinion. THE GOOD: First off the action in this movie is amazing, to buildings crumbling, to evil blue eyed robots tearing stuff up, this movie has the action perfectly handled. And with that action comes visuals. The visuals are really good, even though you can see clearly where they are through the movie, but that doesn't detract from the experience. While all the CGI glory is taking place, there are lovable characters that are in the mix. First off the original characters, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, are just as brilliant as they are always. And Joss Whedon fixed my main problem in the first Avengers by putting in more Hawkeye and him more fleshed out. Then there is the new Avengers, Quicksilver, Scarletwich, and Vision, they are pretty cool in my opinion. Vision in particular is pretty amazing in all his scenes. THE BAD: The beginning of the film it's fine until towards the second act and there is when it starts to feel a little rushed. Also I do feel like there are scenes missing but there was talk of an extended version on Blu-Ray so that's cool. One of the most boring exepirences from watching a movie 26 March 2017 by christopherfreeman I can't right much... it's just so, from what I remember, I remember just sitting down on my seat and waiting for the movie to begin. 5 minutes into the movie, boring scene of Tony Stark just talking to his "dead" friends saying it's his fault. 10 minutes in: Boring scene of Ultron and Jarvis having robot space battles(I dunno:/). 15 minutes in: I leave the theatre. 2nd attempt at watching it: I fall asleep. What woke me up is the next movie on Netflix when the movie was over. Bottemline: It's boring... 10/10 because I'm a Marvel Fanboy That spirit of fun 26 March 2017 by juliawest If there were not an audience for Marvel comic heroes than clearly these films would not be made, to answer one other reviewer although I sympathize with him somewhat. The world is indeed an infinitely more complex place than the world of Marvel comics with clearly identifiable heroes and villains. But I get the feeling that from Robert Downey, Jr. on down the organizer and prime mover as Iron Man behind the Avengers these players do love doing these roles because it's a lot of fun. If they didn't show that spirit of fun to the audience than these films would never be made. So in that spirit of fun Avengers: Age Of Ultron comes before us and everyone looks like they're having a good time saving the world. A computer program got loose and took form in this dimension named Ultron and James Spader who is completely unrecognizable is running amuck in the earth. No doubt Star Trek fans took notice that this guy's mission is to cleanse the earth much like that old earth probe NOMAD which got its programming mixed up in that classic Star Trek prime story. Wouldst Captain James T. Kirk of the Enterprise had a crew like Downey has at his command. My favorite is always Chris Evans because of the whole cast he best gets into the spirit of being a superhero. Of all of them, he's already played two superheroes, Captain America and Johnny Storm the Human Torch. I'll be before he's done Evans will play a couple of more as long as the money's good and he enjoys it. Pretend you're a kid again and enjoy, don't take it so seriously. Impressive Special Effects and Cast 26 March 2017 by johnnylee The Avengers raid a Hydra base in Sokovia commanded by Strucker and they retrieve Loki's scepter. They also discover that Strucker had been conducting experiments with the orphan twins Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), who has super speed, and Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), who can control minds and project energy. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr. ) discovers an Artificial Intelligence in the scepter and convinces Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) to secretly help him to transfer the A. I. to his Ultron defense system. However, the Ultron understands that is necessary to annihilate mankind to save the planet, attacks the Avengers and flees to Sokovia with the scepter. He builds an armature for self-protection and robots for his army and teams up with the twins. The Avengers go to Clinton Barton's house to recover, but out of the blue, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) arrives and convinces them to fight against Ultron. Will they succeed? "Avengers: Age of Ultron" is an entertaining adventure with impressive special effects and cast. The storyline might be better, since most of the characters do not show any chemistry. However, it is worthwhile watching this film since the amazing special effects are not possible to be described in words. Why Pietro has to die is also not possible to be explained. My vote is eight. Reviews per page: 5 Reviews 10 Reviews.

Wonderful! Nino Rota was a genius and these guys are just amazing. Beautiful compositions Born Genius. Salutations to him and his team of Artists Great He will be forever remembered by music lovers around the world God Bless Thanks. 0:28 Sordi parla di Max Tortora, il suo imitatore. Geinig dat Cabiria ook nog even langs komt. Leuk en luchtig debuut, met humor, een leuk verhaal en prima acteurs. 4/5 Dit is toch niet het officiele debuut van Fellini? Variety Lights (1950) toch? Wel solo-debuut. Variety Lights [ondanks dat 't ook het script van Fellini was] was mede-geregisseerd door Alberto Lattuada. Ok, ik zift de muggen een beetje. Trouwens wel een leuk filmpje van Fellini met heerlijke vertolkingen en een lach en een traan plotje. De scene waarin de fotostrip wordt geschoten verraadt Fellini's voorkeur voor flamboyante, chaotische, circusachtige taferelen die zijn latere films zo veelvuldig sieren. Alweer een leuke Fellini, Gelijk weet hij weer de juiste sfeer te benaderen. De film opent met een autorit, terwijl er op een fontein wordt ingezoomd. Klein detail maar wel fijn voor de zegt zoveel meer, dan dat de personen uitspreken dat ze in Rome zijn. Hele vlotte, grappige film eigenlijk. Het verhaal is simpel maar de personages fleuren het geheel wat op. Met name de gezichts uitdrukking van die tante is veelzeggend, wat een nieuwsgierigheid straalt er van haar af. Super komisch hoe Ivan zijn familie telkens maar weer om de tuin moet leiden. De film wordt nergens echt dramatisch en oogt zelfs al wat surreël bij momenten. de witte sheik die schommelt tussen 2 bomen in. Verder heerlijke muziek en een fijn weerzien met mijn heldin Cabiria. 4* Was hier niet echt van onder de indruk, misschien omdat de humor voor mij niet helemaal werkt. Het verhaal en zich loopt redelijk goed door en het is erg leuk om te zien hoe Fellini begonnen is. Vergelijkingen met z'n latere werk zijn zeker mogelijk maar de film Lo Sceicco Bianco heeft bij lange na niet de lading van Fellini's oudere films. Was een beetje bevreesd om mijn laatste Fellini te gaan kijken. De voorlaatste (Le Notti di Cabiria) was me niet helemaal goed bevallen. Maar het bleek goed mee te vallen. Deze kluchtige komedie stijl past Fellini veel beter dan het melodrama. Trieste en vooral Bovo zijn beiden goed als het liefdeskoppel en Sordi kan zich laten gaan als de sjeik (fantastische entree trouwens). Een hoop onzinnige toestanden, maar veelal leuk. Van DeSica zie ik liever de drama's en helemaal niet de komedies. Bij Fellini is het veelal andersom. Het debuut van Fellini en ik kan niet bepaald zeggen dat ik onder de indruk ben. Het probleem van deze film is vooral dat het een komedie is, maar dat ik de humor er vaak niet van inzag. Het is allemaal wat te simpel en te vlak om echt te vermaken. De sjeik zelf is dan nog wel het meest vermakelijk met zijn zogenaamde macho-gedrag. Ivan vind ik daarentegen juist weer niet zo leuk, al is hij wel inventief in het misleiden van zijn familie. Gelukkig is de film dan nog wel redelijk sfeervol eerst in Rome, maar later ook op de filmlocatie. Redelijk onderhoudend, maar verder een vrij nietszeggende film die me niet lang zal bijblijven. 2, 5* Deze film wist mij maar een paar momenten te overtuigen. Grotendeels is de film, met een nogal nietszeggend plot, gevuld met overdreven en nogal theatrale acteerprestaties en humor. Soms komt het vakmanschap van Fellini naar boven drijven, maar helaas is dat voor mij niet genoeg. Vooral het plot met Ivan weet te irriteren. Wat mij verbaasde tijdens het kijken naar ‘Lo Sceicco Bianco was de aanwezigheid van een groot aantal elementen, die in latere films van Fellini nog een keer, maar dan grootser, aan bod zullen komen. Het meest opvallend is natuurlijk de circusmuziek van Nino Rota, verder o. a. nog: Cabiria uit ‘Le notti di Cabiria’, de schommelscène uit ‘Giulietta degli spiriti’, het bouwwerk uit ‘8½’ en de fonteinen uit “la Dolce Vita’. De herkenbaarheid van Fellini’s audiovisueel handschrift in een beginstadium is de grootste aardigheid om dit filmpje te zien. Voor de rest is het een beetje flauw en gedateerd verhaal over droom en werkelijkheid. Als solodebuut is La Sceicco Bianco op zich niet slecht, maar indrukwekkend kan ik het met de grootste moeite niet noemen. Het plot is enorm mager en de acteerprestaties zijn voornamelijk erg flauw of gewoon slap. Eigenlijk steekt Masina's cameo als Cabiria daar met gemak bovenuit. Ik vond vooral Trieste irritant en Bovo is meer knap dan goed. Beide acteurs zijn ook absoluut niet in staat om de kleine dramatische kant die Fellini toch duidelijk ook wilde hebben naar boven te halen. Wel leuk is het om te zien hoe typische Fellinidingetjes hier al terug te zien zijn. De introductie van de titelfiguur is bijvoorbeeld prachtig, evenals zo'n vuurspuwer die zonder reden de boel komt opleuken. Daarnaast vond ik de scène op het politiebureau ook bijzonder grappig. Jammer dat de hele film niet in die lijn was. Groot is de verleiding om hier vanwege thema's als droom/illusie versus werkelijkheid, de onschuldige kind-vrouw en de aanwezigheid van Giulietta Masina als Cabiria niet meer dan een prelude op Fellini's latere en grotere films in te zien, maar ook op z'n eigen merites beoordeeld is dit niet alleen een vriendelijke en afwisselend grappige en licht schrijnende tragikomedie, maar ook gewoon een boeiende en redelijk sterke film die meer aandacht verdient dan hij hier op MovieMeter krijgt (mijn laatste voorganger schreef zijn bericht al bijna zes jaar geleden! ). Leuk semi-debuut van Fellini met een aantal typische Fellini-elementen zoals kermisklanten, prostituées, en de kenmerkende muziek van Rota, alsook acteurs die in latere films terug zouden keren. Echt een hoogvlieger is het niet maar toch wel een film die zo nu en dan een glimlach opwekt, vooral ook dankzij de grappige bijrolletjes. Gast geplaatst: vandaag om 03:00 uur Markeer dit bericht als mijn persoonlijke mening of recensie van deze film geplaatst: vandaag om 03:00 uur Let op: In verband met copyright is het op niet toegestaan om de inhoud van externe websites over te nemen, ook niet met bronvermelding. Je mag natuurlijk wel een link naar een externe pagina plaatsen, samen met je eigen beschrijving of eventueel de eerste alinea van de tekst. Je krijgt deze waarschuwing omdat het er op lijkt dat je een lange tekst hebt geplakt in je bericht. Dit bericht bevat geen recensie, nieuwsbericht of andere tekst waarvan de rechten niet bij mij liggen * denotes required fields. * denotes required fields.

A film of singular beauty - memorable images, comedy, pathos - a work to remember forever. Cineville. Hard and Sweet, lovely mixture. I recently viewed this movie and was left in awe at the sheer awfulness that this film portrayed. You would actually have to compliment the writers for making such a disgusting film, because to my knowledge no being who had any semblence of dignity could be capable of making such a horrible movie. Translations from the attempt at italian in this movie were terrible. In conclusion, avoid this film at all costs. No visible sub-titles. Lousy YouTube channel production! Great film, too bad no sub-titles! Phew.

This movie is a gift from above. Not even speaking in hyperbole. È bellissimo ma c'è qualcosa che non capisco. Non so perché alcuni pezzi siano stati ridopiati e altri in audio originale. This makes me want to go back to Italy in the worst way. I love Nino Rota; thanks for the music! However, you have the wrong picture here. This guy is (I mean, he was - he died in 1986) a Hungarian actor and stage director and has nothing to do with Fellini or Rota or his music. His name is Major Tamás (or Tamás Major - in English. Where did you get his picture.

The White Sheik Theatrical release poster Directed by Federico Fellini Produced by Luigi Rovere Screenplay by Federico Fellini Tullio Pinelli Ennio Flaiano Story by Michelangelo Antonioni Federico Fellini Tullio Pinelli Starring Alberto Sordi Leopoldo Trieste Brunella Bovo Giulietta Masina Music by Nino Rota Cinematography Arturo Gallea Edited by Rolando Benedetti Production company American International Pictures Release date 6 September 1952 ( VFF) 20 September 1952 (Italy) 25 April 1956 (USA) Running time 83 minutes Country Italy Language Italian The White Sheik ( Italian: Lo sceicco bianco) is a 1952 Italian romantic comedy film directed by Federico Fellini and starring Alberto Sordi, Leopoldo Trieste, Brunella Bovo and Giulietta Masina. Written by Fellini, Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano and Michelangelo Antonioni, the film is about a man who brings his new bride to Rome for their honeymoon, to gain an audience with the Pope, and to present his wife to his family. When the young woman sneaks away to find the hero of her romance novels, the man is forced to spend hour after painful hour making excuses to his eager family who want to meet his missing bride. [1] The White Sheik was filmed on location in Fregene, Rome, Spoleto and Vatican City. [2] Plot [ edit] Two young newlyweds from a provincial town, Wanda (Brunella Bovo) and Ivan Cavalli ( Leopoldo Trieste), arrive in Rome for their honeymoon. Wanda is obsessed with the "White Sheik" ( Alberto Sordi), the Rudolph Valentino -like hero of a soap opera photo strip and sneaks off to find him, leaving her conventional, petit bourgeois husband in hysterics as he tries to hide his wife's disappearance from his strait-laced relatives who are waiting to go with them to visit the Pope. The plotline was appropriated by Woody Allen in his film To Rome with Love. Cast [ edit] Alberto Sordi as Fernando Rivoli, The White Sheik Leopoldo Trieste as Ivan Cavalli Brunella Bovo as Wanda Giardino Cavalli Giulietta Masina as Cabiria, the prostitute Lilia Landi as Felga, the photonovel's gipsy Ernesto Almirante as Dottore Fortuna, the photonovel's director Fanny Marchiò as Marilena Alba Vellardi Gina Mascetti as Aida Rivoli, the wife of Fernando Ugo Attanasio as Uncle of Ivan [3] Production [ edit] The White Sheik was Fellini's first solo effort as a director. He had previously co-directed Variety Lights in 1950 with Alberto Lattuada. Originally the treatment for The White Sheik was written by Michelangelo Antonioni. [4] Carlo Ponti commissioned Fellini and Tullio Pinelli to develop the treatment. It was satirical in nature, targeting the trashy fotoromanzi comic strips that were extremely popular in Italy when the film was made. [5] The male lead, Leopoldo Trieste, a playwright who did not consider himself an actor, reluctantly auditioned for Fellini. During the audition Fellini asked him to compose a sonnet that the lead character would have written to his wife. The poem which begins "She is graceful, sweet and teeny... " was included in the film. [6] Appearing briefly as the prostitute Cabiria, Giulietta Masina would later return to this role in Nights of Cabiria. Her short scene inspired Fellini to write the screenplay and also convinced producers that Giulietta was ready for the leading role. [7] Reception [ edit] Italian film critic Giulio Cesare Castello, writing for Cinema V, argued that Fellini's past as a successful strip cartoonist made him a natural choice as the film's director: "Fellini was undoubtedly the best qualified and for two reasons: firstly, his experience as a strip cartoonist and consequently his familiarity with the secrets and intrigues of the world he was about to bring to the screen; secondly, his gift for sarcastic comment and delight in satirizing tradition... The result is unusual and stimulating but derives more from the failure to establish a basic mood or tone rather than from any direct intention. Fellini should find this tone in future works if he is to avoid the discontinuity we found here. " [8] Soundtrack [ edit] Nino Rota scored the film. References [ edit] ^ "The White Sheik". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved 21 April 2012. ^ "Filming locations for The White Sheik". Retrieved 21 April 2012. ^ "Full cast and crew for The White Sheik". Retrieved 21 April 2012. ^ Chandler, Charlotte (March 2012). "My Dinners with Federico and Michelangelo". Vanity Fair. Retrieved 16 August 2015. ^ Hancock, Joseph H., Toni Johnson-Woods and Vicki Karaminas (2013). Fashion in Popular Culture: Literature, Media and Contemporary Studies. Chicago: Intellect Books. p. 249. ISBN 1841507164. ^ Trieste, Leopoldo. "Lo Sceicco Bianco - Fellini - Interviste".. Retrieved 16 August 2015. ^ Smith, Geoffrey Nowell (1996). The Companion to Italian Cinema. London: Cassell. p. 79. ISBN 0304341975. ^ Castello's review first published in Cinema V (Milan) December 15, 1952. Cited in Claudio Fava and Aldo Vigano, The Films of Federico Fellini, New York: Citadel Press (1985), p. 65. Further reading [ edit] Aristarco, Guido. Lo sceicco bianco, in: "Cinema Nuovo", n° 1, Novembre 1952. (in Italian) Burke, Frank M. " Variety Lights, The White Sheik, and Italian Neorealism". In Film Criticism, Winter 1978, Volume 3, no. 2, p. 53-66. External links [ edit] The White Sheik on IMDb The White Sheik an essay by Jonathan Rosenbaum at the Criterion Collection.

The bast muzik ever... love it so muck. "Our real lives are in our dreams, but sometimes dreams are a fatal abyss."
That line above is one of the most beautiful lines I've ever heard in any film. This 1951 comedy feature is free of Fellini's quintessential surrealist vision but filled with the delights of idiosyncratic imagery, genius comical precision, and indisputable humanity.
The film opens in Rome, where a newlywed small-town couple is vacationing on their honeymoon. While in Rome, the (very) young bride takes advantage of being near the location where a new film is being shot that stars The White Sheik, a popular film/serial/newspaper icon whom she is secretly infatuated with. While her husband is sleeping, she sneaks off to find the Sheik and give him a drawing she has made of him. Brunella Bovo, who plays the bride, is new to me, but she was absolutely entrancing in her innocence. Trieste's comic expressions are absolutely arresting. Sordi is hilarious as the Sheik, who is about as unromantic a romantic figure as you can imagine.

Nino Rota's first score for Fellini is a lot of fun and exceptionally carnivalesque. You can tell by the marriage of music and image that Fellini and Rota had a real treasured creative hit-off with this film, and as most know, Rota scored every Fellini film after "White Sheik" until his death in 1979. This great score has never been released in it's entirety, but the main title theme has appeared on many Rota compilations.
An absolutely adorable little film, which seems to have been regrettably ignored by the majority. It's one I will watch many times.

Sei stato magnifico Alberto.

Il film è un capolavoro assoluto e la Masina è bravissima

About The Author Félix Núñez



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